Employment Law Update January 2022
Below we have our latest update on Employment Law issues.…

What rights do I have as to contact with my children after a divorce or separation?
Our clients often ask us, “What can I do to…

Employment Law Newsletter
In our latest Employment newsletter Tom Evans and Elizabeth Judson…

How to protect your business with restrictive covenants
Protecting your business post-employee exit, are you missing "the most…

Charity Governance
We recently hosted a Charity Governance Webinar with Mitchell Charlesworth. …

Government Introduces Mandatory Arbitration Scheme for Pandemic Commercial Rent Arrears
The Government has introduced the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill which,…

Landlords successfully oppose a stay of proceedings
Anna Duffy and Imogen Gray of DTM Legal were successful…

Landlord’s success again !
Recovery of rent and service charges under a commercial lease…

Commercial Rent Arrears Update: What Landlords, Tenants and their Advisors Need to Know
The Government proposes to introduce new legislation setting out a…

The Divorce Process – How to prepare yourself to file for divorce
Deciding to start divorce proceedings is likely to be one…

Success for DTM Legal’s construction team in the High Court
In this case DTM Legal's Construction Team advised and acted…

Marriage versus cohabitation
Despite it being the year 2021, financial claims when parties…

How do the Courts value the Family Home during a divorce?
When married couples divorce the family home is very often…

Current restriction on statutory demands and winding up petitions
On the 16th June 2021, the Government announced that the…

Alcohol Testing in Children proceedings
Alcohol consumption and issues Often one parent will allege that…

Extension to the moratorium on Coronavirus-related commercial forfeiture
On 16 June 2021 the Government announced its intention to extend this…