Author Archive: DTM Legal
Corporate Fraud: Where does the buck stop?
“Where does the buck stop?” and curbing “boardroom excess” are just some of the quotes seen in newspapers following David Cameron’s and Theresa May’s statements aimed at getting tough with those who commit corporate fraud. It was after the publication … Read more…
Insurance Act 2015: An Introductory Guide
On the 12th August 2016 a new piece of legislation came into force affecting all Commercial Insurance policies (Insurance Act 2015) requiring businesses to make fundamental changes to ensure that their insurance policies are effective and that their claims are … Read more…
EPC Regulations: What you need to consider
With the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEE’s) set to bite from 2018, landlords will need to consider the financial consequences for commercial properties within their portfolios with an energy performance rating of F or G. Background Following the imposition of … Read more…
Legal 500 Recognises DTM Legal
Eight partners and associates from DTM Legal have been recognised for their commitment to excellence and tenacity in this year’s Legal 500. Jim Morris, Edward Barnes, Anna Duffy, Richard Thomas, Alison Brennan, Philip Whitehurst, Robert Harris and Sally Pilott are … Read more…
The Immigration Act 2016: Do you know the new rules on employing illegal workers?
Employers need to be aware that the law on illegal workers has changed. The Immigration Act 2016 came in to force on the 12th July 2016 and has amended the criminal offence to employ an illegal worker. The penalty for … Read more…
Zero Hour Workers and their Forgotten Legal Rights
The term ‘zero hour’ indicates a contract for casual work under which the employer is not obliged to provide a minimum (or any) amount of work to the worker but the worker will gradually be expected to be available for … Read more…
Can you give Informal Legal Advice
While being approached for informal legal advice by family and friends can seem harmless, you should consider the pros and cons before providing off-the-cuff advice as the intention to help can put you in great risk of discipline. In the … Read more…
How Does Technology Affect My Duties As A Director?
An increasing number of companies use online systems such as cloud technology to store data about their business including valuable intellectual property (“IP”) assets. Online systems provide businesses with easier access to their research, ideas, databases and other forms of … Read more…
What Brexit means for Commercial Property
In the wake of the referendum result the clamour for certainty is the aim of the game with our new Prime Minister asserting that ‘Brexit means Brexit’ but what does it mean for the commercial property market? What opportunity lies … Read more…
Can you defend a claim for threats of patent infringement before a patent is granted?
DTM Legal successfully obtained Judgments for their client at first instance and on appeal regarding two issues in the law of groundless threats of patent infringement proceedings. Background The issues that were decided by the Court are a result of … Read more…
North West Education Experts Gather at DTM Legal
A senior panel of North West education experts have urged new Education Minister Justine Greening to ‘take a step back’ and listen to teachers and parents before proposing any further measures to tackle education. Attendees at the roundtable debate, organised … Read more…
Brexit: Charting a Course for Business in Uncertain Times
DTM Corporate Partner, Alison Brennan, outlines some practical steps you can take in your business amidst Brexit. As the UK, Europe and the wider world continues to come to terms with the result of the referendum on the UK’s membership … Read more…
Directors’ Duties And Personal Liability In Insolvency
A company becomes insolvent when it cannot afford to pay its debts as they fall due, or when its liabilities exceed its assets. Whilst a company is solvent, as a director, you are duty bound to act in the best … Read more…
EU Referendum: The Reaction
The Decision The majority decision of the UK voting public is to leave the EU. The reactions across the board have been somewhere in the range volatile to explosive; the Labour Party Shadow Cabinet coming in at the latter end … Read more…
DTM Legal Race the Dragon for Zoë’s Place
On Sunday 19th June 2016, DTM took to the muddy banks of the River Dee to take part in the Chester Dragon Boat Race for the second year running. Team DeTerMination competed against seventeen other teams in the annual Dragon … Read more…
Brexit: Should We Stay or Should We Go?
The Brexit debate has been part of our regular media diet since the EU Referendum formed part of the Conservative party’s general election manifesto and with the big day around the corner many voters remain uncertain as to the pros … Read more…